Hoopoe-logo1 Answers.com unveiled a new Twitter service code-named called Hoopoe this morning at the 140 Character Conference in New York.

Answers.com Hoopoe, now in alpha, delivers instant instant to users who tweet their questions to @AnswersDotCom or include the hashtag #answersdotcom. Answers.com will search for a good match and offer a reply with a snippet and link to the full answer, if available.

People are spending more time communicating through Twitter and other social media, so it’s a perfect extension to Answers.com service on the web. Some example tweets might be:

• @AnswersDotCom What is Jim Carrey’s Twitter username?

• @AnswersDotCom – What caused the Eyjafjallokull volcano in Iceland to erupt?

• @AnswersDotCom Who is Ashton Kutcher?

Since its currently in alpha, they would love to receive feedback on the service, and for you to follow them on Twitter.TechCrunch covered the announcement and here’s a quirky, fun demo of the Hoopoe service on YouTube.

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