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casestudybig Campaign
Repositioning & Rebranding Campaign: the Ultimate in CE Search to the First Matchmaking Service for People and Electronics; Coincided with New Logo, UI and Website Functionality

We worked with Retrevo to re-launch their brand and site, which included new messaging, a new logo, website and group blog. We utilized the power of the press, blogosphere and associated buzz generation opportunities to raise brand awareness and increase their customer base, which served to accelerate new partnerships and increase traffic to the site.

This effort resulted in a tagline and identifier change, from a vertical market search site to a matchmaker service that connects consumers with their favorite consumer electronics and gadgets. In other words – from a geek, largely male and early adopter message to one that would have more mainstream appeal and resonate with women, seniors, baby boomers and students as well.

Retrevo used Marketing and PR to help grow website traffic and repeat usage with a goal to become the one place consumers come for all their consumer electronics needs. A second goal was to increase Retrevo’s brand awareness partly by getting Retrevo’s executives viewed as experts across industry sectors, including CE Shopping, CE Support, consumer lifecycle, online lifestyle, social shopping and vertical search.

Through a partnership with PC World, we communicated the ‘open gates publishing model’ to the advertising and new media worlds, as well as business press influencers as a way to demonstrate that Retrevo was ahead of the curve on new publishing trends. Instead of posing restrictions on where and how you view your content, including reviews, Retrevo and PC World were delivering content in a way that enriched the consumer search and buying experience online.

PR also leveraged survey and poll results, and proposed a media and blogger event around gadgets and geeks and came up with creative angles to invoke passion around consumer electronic purchases, particularly at topical times of years, i.e., sporting events, entertainment, father’s day, back-to-school and so on. We also recommended a creative mailer to build brand awareness.

The Result: increased traffic, users, brand recognition, and positive interest from advertisers and strategic partners.

Media Buzz is a Sample, not an Exhaustive List


[/column] [column width=”24%” padding=”0″] “Blodgett and her team did an outstanding job with strategy and outreach to mainstream media, niche blogs and the publishing industry. They have the passion and drive to take companies into the mainstream at the critical juncture of their evolution.”
– Vipin Jain, CEO, Retrevo


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