Category “Magic Sauce No Tabs”

Social Media Game Changers: Vaynerchuk, Hayzlett & Mallory Take It On

Monday, 30 May, 2011

Below is a two part video of the opening keynote panel at BlogWorldExpo in New York City with Gary Vaynerchuk, Jeffrey Hayzlett and H.P. Mallory. The discussion? Social Media Game Changers: how social media is changing the roles and rules for sales, customer service, product development and marketing. How social media is propelling leading companies and radically changing the face of industries. More in their chat below:

TechCrunch Disrupt 2011 Slide Show

Friday, 27 May, 2011

Take a look at a slideshow I quickly and easily created in Webdoc of TechCrunch Disrupt in New York this past week:

John Perry Barlow Inspires Again: TEDxMarin

Sunday, 15 May, 2011

As always, John Perry Barlow gave an inspirational talk on the TEDxMarin stage on May 12, 2011. Most known for co-founding the Electronic Frontier Foundation, I love the other aspects of Barlow that set him apart from other visionaries in the industry.

1. His transparent heart and ability to inspire others because of it.

2. His ruggedness…you know, an old fashioned masculine energy that is frankly lacking in Silicon Valley (will definitely get a beating for this one). No surprise, he’s a retired Wyoming rancher (and native). It comes with the territory and it’s a beautiful thing.

3. He’s a former lyricist for the Grateful Dead. (not everyone knows this). Enuf said.

Now, it’s involved in a new venture called Algae Systems, that aspires to turn sewage into carbon negative jet fuel. His talk below:

Robert Terceck: Reclaim the Power of the Personal Narrative: TEDxMarin

Sunday, 15 May, 2011

Robert Terceck gives a talk entitled: Reclaiming the Power of the Personal Narrative. In other words, using social media to get your story out there. “Validation is the most important thing,” for people he says. Rather than outsource your story or your voice, get out there, be present and be heard.

Robert is the former president of Digital Media for the Oprah Winfrey Network and before that a Senior VP of Digital Media at Sony Pictures Entertainment. Below is his TEDxMarin talk.

Dan Barry on Robotics & 3D Printing

Sunday, 15 May, 2011

Three-time astronaut Dan Barry talks to FutureMed attendees at NASA AMES this past week on robotics and 3D printing.

Jennifer Siebel Newsom on Empowering Women: If You Can’t See It, You Can’t Be It

Sunday, 15 May, 2011

Jennifer Siebel Newsom (wife of CA Governor Gavin Newsom), spoke at TEDxMarin last week on the topic of women: empowering women using social media to pave the way. She has been working on micro-enterprise opportunities for women as well as films and TV shows that empower women. Below she gives the audience a lot of stats (one interesting one: only 20% of news focus on women) and stresses why its so important for women to speak up and be heard.

Google’s Astro Teller on the Future of Body Monitoring

Sunday, 15 May, 2011

Google’s Astro Teller talks about the Future of Body Monitoring at FutureMed last week. His theory is that body monitoring isn’t really about health and medicine. Have a listen.

Tim O’Reilly at FutureMed

Saturday, 14 May, 2011

Tim O’Reilly addresses the Singularity University FutureMed crowd this past week at NASA AMES.

Matt Venuti and the HANG Entertain in Marin

Saturday, 14 May, 2011

Matt Venuti plays the hang Thursday night, May 12, 2011 at TEDxMarin in San Raphael, CA.

The Eigenharp is Mezmorizing in its Own Way: SF Music Tech

Saturday, 14 May, 2011

The Eigenlabs guys were over from the UK for SF Music Tech last week. Says many a’ musician: “It allows me to do things I wouldn’t normally do with a solo instrument.” The Eigenharp is the flagship, an idea that started on a farm in Devon in England.

The Alpha is their high-end product, priced at over 4K (pounds), but the level of functionality is significant. It allows the musician to play and improvise using a limitless range of sounds with virtuoso skill and is available in a variety of custom finishes. Sub-$1K is the Eigenharp Pico, which has 18 playing keys and 4 mode keys, a strip controller and breath pipe. Below is a demo of how it works AND more importantly, how it sounds.