Steve Wozniak, known by most as “Woz,” turned 62 years old this week. While the world at large knows his name as co-founder of Apple, today he sits as Chief Scientist at a company called Fusion-io, whose chief focus is to deliver data faster. Their pitch of their ioMemory platform is that it accelerates databases, virtualization, cloud computing, big data, and the applications that drive our economy and our daily lives. The team decided to throw Woz a surprise birthday party this week at Yuerba Buena Gardens in San Francisco. The marketing folks were seen texting with his wife Janet to get ensure they had the timing right and that everyone was behind a closed door with not one party hat in sight prior to him entering the main building. As invited guests showed up early to ensure Woz wouldn’t find out, they were given noise makers, pink boas, party hats and bags of glitter to throw at him when he walked through the door. Even after a shower, I’m still finding those damn glitter flecks on my body and my living room floor nearly 24 hours later. Invitees included old friends, industry illuminaries, geeks, former Apple folks he worked with and a handful of press. I ran into some people I hadn’t seen in years and met new ones I didn’t know existed in the “biz.” One of the first people I ran into was Fusion-io’s CEO David Flynn (left) who gave kudos to Woz on stage for his dedication to the company and of course to wish him a Happy Big 62. Old time industry pals showed up like Tim Bajarin, DEMO’s Neal Silverman, Harry McCracken, Therese Poletti, and Janet Rae Dupree and other media who have been covering this industry for years such as Don Clark, Dean…

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