Argentina won its first 2010 World Cup match on Saturday, beating
Nigeria 1-0 on a goal in the first several minutes.  Lionel Messi spent
the rest of the match showing us why he is the best player in the world
but Nigerian goaltender Vincent Enyeama had the answer every time,
including a couple of truly spectacular reach saves.

But never mind that. What really matters is that there is a place in
SOMA where soccer fans of any country can come and watch matches in a
setting that was built for the World Cup from the heart.  Check this out.

Urns of water and coffee, a free beer for anyone dedicated enough to
arrive before the 7 a.m. start. A yummy “chicken or egg” breakfast
wrap.  Lots of  TV screens. Here’s an interview with Andrew (left) and
Aaron (right).

They’re open for the 7:00 games every day and expect to open for the
4:30 Argentina game next week.  Come share the lunacy and love.

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