Parallels world-premiered its Parallels Mobile iPad, iPhone and iPod touch app on the DEMO stage today, which enables customers to remotely access their Windows applications on their Apple mobile device from anywhere, any time and on any network. Users can download a free trial of Parallels Desktop 6 for Mac here and then get the complementary Parallels Mobile app from the app store and experience Windows, IE, Firefox and more from their Apple mobile device.
The app and service allows users of Parallels Desktop 6 for Mac and Parallels Desktop 6 Switch to Mac Edition, to use their iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch to access and utilize Windows applications running on a Mac from any network, from anywhere, at any time.
The Parallels Mobile app, a client and a service built upon the MyParallels services platform, is complementary with either edition of Parallels Desktop 6 and can be downloaded from the iTunes App Store after 12:00 p.m. noon PT today.
With Parallels’ new mobile app and MyParallels service, people can freely perform tasks that have been unavailable or limiting to iPad users such as printing, viewing Flash-based websites and full use of productivity applications like Outlook.