Singularity University held an event in conjunction with Women@TheFrontier at NASA Research Park in Silicon Valley last week. The program: “Designing the Future 2012”, brought together some of today’s female game-changers who are designing the future and disrupting the status quo. Women@TheFrontier’s Susan Fonseca and KristinaMaria T-Gutierrez introduced inspirational women who had one heart warming story after another to share. NASA’s Yvonne Cagle also paid a sentimental tribute to astronaut Sally Ride who passed away on July 23. Ray Kurzweil kicked things off and also closed the event in a unique appearance with his daughter Amy Kurzweil who interviewed him in fireside chat style. Ray’s son was also in attendance with a beaming smile throughout the interview as he watched father and sister chat informally in front of a few hundred people on everything from inspiration and life lessons to technology, health and the future. Below is Women@TheFrontier founder and CEO Susan Fonseca. A poised and graceful Kay Koplovitz took the stage with confidence, something certainly not new to her as the first woman to head a television network; she founded USANetworks under the banner of Madison Square Garden Sports in the seventies. She is also known for founding the Sci-Fi Channel which has become a top ten rated cable network and USANetworks, which runs in 60 countries worldwide. President Clinton also appointed Kay to chair the bipartisan National Women’s Business Council. With a success record that keeps going, she is a great reminder that persistence and tenacity pays off. She reminded the audience that 57% of women have masters degrees and 52% of women have doctorate degrees as she threw a quote from Coca Cola CEO onto the screen who said in 2010: “The drivers of the post American world won’t be led by China but led by women.”…

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