Steve jobs tribute Most of the headlines I've read about Steve Jobs' death — October 5, 2011 — shout the obvious factoid: Apple's Steve Jobs DIES or Steve Jobs is DEAD. Why not something more honorary like: Steve Jobs Dead Today: The World Has Lost a Technology & Design Visionary, or at least something a little more dignified?

They also say that Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being, however I'd extend the former to the world, not just Apple.

You see, Steve Jobs has the kind of effect that Princess Di had on the world. Yes, really. He "touched" people. He "inspired" people. He moved people to stretch beyond their own limits and beliefs and build something more. Be something more. Care about design in their own creations in a way that would transform people. Care about what they shipped and why. Understand that they had to ship and that delivering what customers want and count on you for, matter more than your ego.

Technology for technology's sake is merely an enabler alone. Useful, sure, but Steve created technology that has been a life changing experience for all of us. Apple's technology is transparent, the way it should be and we are transformed when we use it…the way it should be. Crikey, I'm not even a Mac user. I was, once, a long time ago. Early on in my career in the early nineties, my marketing agency was on Macs and it's the only world I ever knew following my early but limited word processing experience at university in London. (the days of Wordstar, Multimate and WordPerfect).  

I moved to the PC world when I started representing enterprise technology clients and thereafter start-ups that had limited budgets so didn't all support Macs out-of-the-gate. My mainstay is a Thinkpad and have 2 other laptops and a netbook.

As a creative myself, its astonishing that I've held out as long as I have. I have a iPhone and an iPad and am a heavy user of Adobe products, all of which would work more seamlessly on a Mac. And yet, the start-up industry has kept me tethered to a PC not to mention Apple's hefty costs and the fact that I have more contacts in the PC world than I do in the Apple one.

That aside, I honor and bow down to Steve Jobs for his brilliance, his creativity, his genius and his commitment to making technology "beautiful." First of all, I'm a woman who lives in Silicon Valley who actually loves design and fashion, a rarity in the technology industry. (above, Steve in 1977 at the beginning of his career)

This is a world who lives in logoed t-shirts, jeans and sneakers and not even hip ones. Living in Europe gave me an appreciation for design and once you have it, there's no turning back. Even the way the French package up one individual chocolate is insanely decadent enough to give a woman who honors and "gets" great design, an orgasm. Yes, really.

It's not something we relish in the states, and yet Steve Jobs says, we MUST. And, he did. Again and again, he did. From the Time Magazine article in their tribute: "Jobs' confidence in the wisdom of his own instincts came to be immense, as did the hype he created at Apple product launches. That might have been unbearable if it weren't for the fact that his intuition was nearly flawless and the products often lived up to his lofty claims." Hear hear.

Who can't acknowledge that consistency of design genius even if you didn't like the guy or believe in the Apple way of life?

Picasso wasn't liked by everyone and frankly if he were alive and I had coffee with him or something more at the time of his most creative days, its likely from what I've read I wouldn't have liked the man (as a woman), and yet….he's one of my favorite artists of all time. I look at his work and can be brought to tears from his genius. Steve has that gift and he has always delivered.

If you're wondering whether I'm equating Picasso's artistic genius to Steve's creative & innovative technology genius, I most definitely am. He deserves this honor. There are few who would deny it. And frankly, genius comes with a little baggage.

The baggage is there with all its bells and whistles with some of the greats I've had the pleasure to work with and for a lot of visionaries the world has ever seen — authors, scientists, actors, creators, inventors.  The list goes on.

As my grandfather who also wasn't an easy man to work for, used to say in so many words, "as long as you're "real" and honorable along the way and don't drag people down or run people over on the way, nearly everything is game. Go get it kid. This is America."

The world has lost a creative genius who inspired people who create for creation's sake, dream about things bigger than themselves, think about making the world a better place and don't, think about making the world a better place and do, and simply love and use Apple products.

My teary-eyed emotion tonight as I write this is centered around this: the man lived his dream every day until the day he died and he lived with conviction. (remember he only stepped down from Apple a couple of months before his death and rest assured they knew the end was near long before August). Since I coach companies on their marketing and social media strategies, things often come across my desk I know won't fly short or long term. They don't have "legs."

When I look at opportunities that come my way, I don't just look at the products, I look at team and most importantly, I look at the man or woman at the helm. I ask myself: is he/she aligned with their vision? Most aren't. Steve is and has always been my one pure example of a man who (like him or not) is aligned with his vision.

Great products aside, his alignment has been an instrumental part of Apple's success. Alignment is the of holy grail leadership in my humble opinion. It's what moves markets and moves mountains.

It's what ends wars. It's what changes history.  Alignment and kick-ass products aside, the world felt and believed that Steve loved Apple. I do too.

He loved what he created and wanted people's experience with technology to be transformed in ways no one else has touched. He was a visionary but only because he transformed experiences for people across three different industries: computers, film and music.

If entrepreneurs could understand the concept behind genius + passion + simplicity = transformation and nothing else, they might build products differently, investors might spend money differently and other products that we struggle with today might be transforming our lives the way Apple products do.

Two personal shares: I first met Steve when I was communications head at Dragon Systems, which was later acquired by Lernout & Hauspie and thereafter Nuance. Think speech recognition for those who don't know their history or their story.

I was backstage with my CEO Janet Baker at an Apple Developer's Conference somewhere on this fine pacific coast, Steve and his "corp comm handler" at the time, whose name I still don't remember. Why?

I was mesmerized by Steve's presence, his energy, his electricity and how focused he was about what he was planning to achieve on stage a half an hour later. We were a partner of some sort as much as you could be and stand alongside Steve on stage in front of Apple worshippers and believers.

Janet was in a flowing skirt as I remember it and Steve in jeans and a black crew neck and from a branding perspective, I was thinking 4 things simultaneously: how are we going to look and be perceived next to Jobs and Apple energy knowing there's ten rows of media in the front of the stage? how's my female CEO going to be perceived next to Jobs and Apple energy knowing there's ten rows of media in the front of the stage? what will being here mean for us as a player in the industry if we pull this off well with Steve's support and kudos on stage? AND fourth, He's Kinda Hot.

Yes, really. If I don't admit it now, then when? Janet noticed and we joked about it later.  








Memory number two was meeting him at a D Conference. Not that long in existence, Walt and Kara managed to get both Steve Jobs and Bill Gates to participate in a fireside-like chat on more than one occasion and it was a special unique moment in our (the technology) industry to have them together, on stage, in an interactive dialogue under one roof. 

I met him randomly in "group moments" between the late nineties and 2010, but they weren't solo moments like the previous two.  (btw, speaking of D memories, they have honored his memory by making all videos of his interviews live here in their entirety). Thereafter, I shot Steve. Yes photography for those who don't know it's a major passion of mine.

One of the things I've learned as a photographer, whether you're shooting one-on-one in a studio, with nature as a backdrop, or in some obscure creative setting, it's an intimate moment and you see things AND learn things about your subject through new eyes.

Steve is fun to shoot and the memories still linger. I can only imagine what long-time AP photographer Paul Sakuma must be feeling right now given how many times he has followed him from behind his lens for over a decade.

Below is one of my favorite shots I took of him: (and below "it" is a visual look at his life from the 1970s to the 1990s, links to other news and feature sources, links to obituaries, links to videos, actual videos and a long list of tweets from the first few hours of his death).                    

Below, very early days:

More early days: Sal Veder (1984) with Steve Wozniak and John Sculley.

Taken by Diane Walker:                     








Eric Risberg/AP: Jobs shows off his company's new NeXTstation in San Francisco. (1990)

Taken by Richard Drew/AP. 1998 and below Ted Thai's shot for Time Life 








Two images below: Louie Psihoyos: Corbis









Brand Ward: SF Chronicle/Corbis                  



























Check out my D Conference write-up of Steve's interview including photos 

I'll end my personal tribute and comments with a boat-load of comments and shares from editorial sources I respect.

Below these summaries include additional photos, videos of his life, special Apple moments and a Twitter thread of tributes to Steve from many contacts in my own tweetosphere (inc my own), most of which flew out of people's PCs and phones within a few hours of news of his death.

Reactions, Responses and Insights…(photo from Gizmodo)

Says Time Magazine: With astonishing regularity, Jobs did something that few people accomplish even once: he reinvented entire industries. He did it with ones that were new, like PCs, and he did it with ones that were old, such as music.  He was the most celebrated, successful business executive of his generation, yet he flouted many basic tenets of business wisdom. See the rest of the article on tribute to his death here. See Time's Top Apple Moments.

Says VentureBeat's Dylan Tweney: "He was often quoted as saying “we’re here to put a dent in the universe.” He did exactly that. From his earliest computers, co-developed with Steve Wozniak, to the smartphones and tablets that his company developed, Jobs showed a singleminded dedication to building products that were easier to use, better-looking and more intuitively useful than what had gone before. He liked to say that Apple’s products were “magical,” and if that’s the case, he was the marketing and technology magician behind the curtain. And if they weren’t exactly magic, Apple’s products were certainly a sufficiently advanced technology."

Huffington Post aggregated comments in a working story, Marketwatch merely reposted Apple's official statement which is below and Mashable more or less did the same. BoingBoing's tribute can be found here. 

John Markoff from the New York Times article can be found here. Markoff quotes a Twitter user named Matt Galligan who wrote: “R.I.P. Steve Jobs. You touched an ugly world of technology and made it beautiful.” Hear hear. ZDNET's take: Steve Job's Big Lesson – Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.

From ZDNET writer Larry Dignan: "Innovative. Quirky. Stubborn as hell. Controlling. Great leader. An artist eye for design with an engineer’s brain. Amazing legacy. “Stay hungry, stay foolish.” I’d argue that Jobs is my generation’s Walt Disney.

He entertained. He delighted. And he built something enduring. Jobs was a disruptive force. Given the Disney comparison, it’s a bit ironic that Jobs wound up being Disney’s largest shareholder via the Pixar acquisition. More importantly, Jobs loved what he did. And pursued that love with a passion." The Atlantic Wire, Fast Company's tribute, the New Yorker from August 24, 2011, and Salon's article on The Insanely Great Comeback Kid where Andrew Leonard writes about Steve Jobs's resilience, "His comeback saga is a story of redemption, a fantasy epic in which a great king is toppled, but through force of will and grit and brilliance fights his way all the way back to the throne, and inaugurates an even greater empire."

Below, Steve gives the keynote address to the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco, Monday, June 6, 2011. (photo credit: Paul Sakuma)                    

The Sydney Morning Herald's headline has to do with losing cancer fight.  The Washington Post's write-up is here.  

They say: "Jobs was the first crossover technology star, turning Silicon Valley renown into Main Street recognition and paving the way for the rise of the nerds, such as Yahoo founders Jerry Yang and David Filo, and Google founders Larry Page and Sergay Brin. And by changing the way people interacted with technology, Jobs and Microsoft founder Bill Gates transformed their era in much the same way Henry Ford and John D. Rockefeller revolutionized theirs with the mass-produced automobile and the creation of Standard Oil." Gizmodo aggregates "shares" of others.

The Wall Street Journal had a very "newsy" headline that didn't capture anything about what we (a grand big we) feel about his loss. (it is the WSJ with an audience who doesn't sign up for emotion and so I get that – thank god for individual voices at times like this however.

While the traditional news sources did a great job at capturing his "kudos", they were very factual accounts of his life and while comprehensive, I was longing for some texture and color. Walt Mossberg did a great job at both. From All Things D's Wall Mossberg: The Steve Jobs I Knew, Walt is the only one who captured "human moments" about Steve from a major news source – thank YOU Walt for stepping up and capturing emotion in a tribute to a man who lived and breathed emotion.

In Walt's words: "That Steve Jobs was a genius, a giant influence on multiple industries and billions of lives, has been written many times since he retired as Apple’s CEO in August.  He was a historical figure on the scale of a Thomas Edison or Henry Ford and set the mold for many other corporate leaders in many other industries."

Walt then goes on to write about a walk he took with him while Steve was in ill health. "He explained that he walked each day, and that each day he set a farther goal for himself, and that, today, the neighborhood park was his goal. As we were walking and talking, he suddenly stopped, not looking well.

I begged him to return to the house, noting that I didn’t know CPR and could visualize the headline: 'Helpless reporter Lets Steve Jobs Die on the Sidewalk.' But he laughed, and refused, and, after a pause, kept heading for the park. We sat on a bench there, talking about life, our families, and our respective illnesses (I had had a heart attack some years earlier.) He lectured me about staying healthy. And then we walked back. Steve Jobs didn’t die that day, to my everlasting relief. But now he really is gone, much too young, and it is the world’s loss."

ABC News says, "Industry watchers called him a master innovator — perhaps on a par with Thomas Edison — changing the worlds of computing, recorded music and communications. The Wire Cutter has a personal take on Steve Jobs. President Obama on the Passing of Steve Jobs: “He changed the way each of us sees the world.”

From Google's Sergey Brin: "From the earliest days of Google, whenever Larry and I sought inspiration for vision and leadership, we needed to look no farther than Cupertino. Steve, your passion for excellence is felt by anyone who has ever touched an Apple product (including the macbook I am writing this on right now). And I have witnessed it in person the few times we have met. On behalf of all of us at Google and more broadly in technology, you will be missed very much. My condolences to family, friends, and colleagues at Apple."

From Sir James Dyson: "He was dubbed a megalomaniac, but Steve Jobs often gambled on young, largely inexperienced talent to take Apple forward; Jony Ive and his team prove that such faith was spot on."

From CEO of Apple Tim Cook: "No words can adequately express our sadness at Steve's death or our gratitude for the opportunity to work with him. We will honor his memory by dedicating ourselves to continuing the work he loved so much."

Mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg: "Tonight our City — a city that has always had such respect and admiration for creative genius — joins with people around the planet in remembering a great man and keeping Laurene and the rest of the Jobs family in our thoughts and prayers."

Meg Whitman, President & CEO of HP: "Steve Jobs was an iconic entrepreneur and businessman whose impact on technology was felt beyond Silicon Valley. He will be remembered for the innovation he brought to market and the inspiration he brought to the world."

Bob Eger, CEO of Disney: "Steve was such an 'original,' with a thoroughly creative, imaginative mind that defined an era. Despite all he accomplished, it feels like he was just getting started. With his passing the world has lost a rare original, Disney has lost a member of our family, and I have lost a great friend."

Jerry Yang: "Steve was my hero growing up. He not only gave me a lot of personal advice and encouragement, he showed all of us how innovation can change lives.I will miss him dearly, as will the world."

Mark Zuckerberg:  "Thanks for showing that what you build can change the world.  I will miss you."

Steve Ballmer: “I want to express my deepest condolences at the passing of Steve Jobs, one of the founders of our industry and a true visionary.  My heart goes out to his family." Apple's Website Tribute: "Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being. Those of us who’ve been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve lost a dear friend and inspiring mentor. Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple." Apple's Official Statement yesterday on the day of his death: "We are deeply saddened to announce that Steve Jobs passed away today. Steve’s brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives. The world is immeasurably better because of Steve. His greatest love was for his wife, Laurene, and his family. Our hearts go out to them and to all who were touched by his extraordinary gifts."

Other Informative Links:

Video Links:

Steve Jobs Shows Off Macintosh: 1984:



Below is a stream of tweets from my Twitter world worth sharing:

  • Steve Jobs was an icon who had a big part in bringing about the internet age. He'll forever be a bad ass in my eyes. Sucks he died so young. @teedubya
  • My 1st computer was an Apple II+. 27 years later, I'm typing on a Macbook & tapping on an iPhone. Thank you, Steve Jobs. RIP. @digiphile
  • Steve #Jobs at Stanford: How To Live Before You Die can't wait 4 his Walter Isaacson bio 'What to Leave After U Die?' @EghosaO
  • Honor Steve Jobs by building things which matter & lead from your heart. @hunterwalk
  • Steve Jobs: The most famous maestro of the micro: – @bobgourley
  • Teary eyed & am not even a Mac user;Tragic Loss of Genius & Brilliance;Post coming since ABC,NYC,WSJ don't get2 the heart of it #stevejobs @weblogtheworld
  • Bill Gates on Steve Jobs: "For those of us lucky enough to get to work with him, it’s been an insanely great honor."  @edbott
  • Steve Jobs was in many respects our modern renaissance man. @dotben
  • Live on YouTube to discuss Steve Jobs' passing with our community right now:… @ChrisPirillo
  • Steve Jobs' passing has always been tied in my mind with the passing of Jim Henson's & Isaac Asimov. All major innovators. He was the third. @brianlayman
  • Some of the spark and air of innovation just left Silicon Valley in one short breathe #stevejobs#rip – @bernardmoon
  • I recall backstage w/Jobs at Apple DevConf & feelin surge of something magical up my spine from wking w/him on launch #dragon#stevejobs – @magicsaucemedia
  • Steve Jobs 1955 – 2001 (illustration by – @johnpaul
  • After some reflection only one thought stands out: Unfair. But most of us would give anything to accomplish just 10% of what Steve did. @dhinchcliffe
  • So sad, rest in peace… Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, has passed away at 56 – @cselland
  • Thanks, Steve, for being insanely great. @tolles
  • Sad sad sad sad sad sad sad – @heif
  • The world has lost a genius, an incredible human being that saw things the rest of us could not see. RIP Steve. – @davidcmolina
  • Go to and try not to choke up. Oh, man. #stevejobs#ripstevejobs – @dsearls
  • RIP Steve Jobs. He will continue to inspire many for generations to come. – @photomatt
  • To a man who showed us how to package emotion & deliver happiness 1 product @ a time: #RIP, Steve Jobs. Truly gifted. @EghosaO
  • Feel like we all lost some magic today. We will miss you #Steve Jobs. – @lesleygold
  • Just stop what you are doing and really take in that steve jobs is dead. almost paralyzing.… – @joshmedia
  • Goodbye, Steve. If you've never seen this speech before, do it now:… – @blakewilliams
  • I feel the worst for Steve Jobs' kids. Losing a father is the saddest thing in the world. RIP Steve Jobs – @jlouderb
  • Everyone take a screenshot of right now, this is a moment to be remembered.. #ripstevejobs – @kevinrose
  • "Death … is life's change agent," said Steve Jobs at Stanford. – @jeffjarvis
  • Thank you, Steve Jobs, for just being – @arielwaldman
  • #Echo company meeting has come to a halt – reading news and tweets about Steve Jobs. #sad – @ChrisSaad
  • Obit: The Journey is the reward. – @dsearls
  • Tragic day for the tech community. May Steve Jobs rest in peace. Thank you for making such an impact on our lives, you were a true pioneer. – @smx
  • Very few people can really claim to have changed the world. RIP Steve Jobs. – @mattmcgee
  • Watch "How to live before you die" 2005 TED talk by Steve Jobs, who we'll mourn tonight. @kvox
  • Rest in peace, Steve Jobs. From all of us at #Obama2012, thank you for the work you make possible every day—including ours. – @BorackObama
  • Steve jobs changed my life with my 1st mac when i was 13. it's only fitting that i'm crying for him now – @emilychang
  • A statement from the Jobs family: "Steve died peacefully today surrounded by his family." – @nickbilton
  • "Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose." -Steve Jobs 2005 – @kevinmarks
  • Have courage 2 follow ur heart & intuition.They already know what u truly want 2 bcome. Evrythng else is secondary" Steve Jobs – @TedRubin
  • Remember Steve Jobs this way, in his own words: "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." – @dangillmor
  • Steve Jobs dies and the entire world finds out/tweets/texts about it on the devices he created. That's not a bad way to go. – @mworch
  • RIP Steve Jobs. You changed the world. You inspired millions, including me. You are a legend in the truest sense of the word. – @schwerdtfeger
  • You can't connect the dots looking forward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future." Steve Jobs – @jmitchem
  • iLife: Steve Jobs has died at the age of 56. His life's work at Apple literally changed the face of the earth. U… – @ScottMonty
  • The first flowers are placed outside #apple HQ after death of – @greeterdan
  • A little bit of magic has gone out of the world. RIP Steve Jobs. @howardgr
  • Find what you love" — Steve Jobs, 2005. Watch the full video: – @geeksugar
  • I feel honored to have known Steve Jobs. He was the most innovative entrepreneur of our generation. His legacy will live on for the ages. – @stevecase
  • Steve Jobs Has Died (1955 – 2011): There was perhaps a decade of an embryonic mobile Internet access before the … – @gsterling
  • One of the better #SteveJobs photo albums I've seen, from… (you'll hit "Next" for a while…) So sad right now – @kanendosei
  • Shed a tear. Mourn Steve's passing. Pray for his family. Be thankful for all he gave us. Commit yourself to also making a difference. – @jeff
  • Statement from Bill Gates about Steve Jobs: – @bill_gross
  • Rest In Peace, Steve Jobs… – @ariannahuff
  • Workers at Apple walking out of headquarters are sad. Bad day for Apple. More photos and reports at @Scobelizer
  • Epitaph that perfectly describes Steve Jobs– the iconic "Think Different" advertising campaign–Steve Jobs thought different – @dbfarber
  • RIP Steve Jobs, Master Marketer (and Unique Human Being) – @RobHof
  • For those of us lucky enough to get to work with Steve, it’s been an insanely great honor. I will miss Steve immensely. – @billgates
  • Google's Larry Page: "He was a great man with incredible achievements and amazing brilliance" | @time
  • CEOs of Google, Facebook, and Twitter have each made statements on Jobs, hosted on their respective social networks: – @gaberivera
  • Steve Jobs' big lesson: 'Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish'… – @ldignan
  • Let's not forget Steve Jobs was adopted. Here's to the amazing parents of adopted kids. You help change the world & make it a better place. – @shirvin
  • We were lucky to live in his lifetime. He showed us how to make things that delight people. He showed us how to… – @fotobabble
  • RIP Steve Jobs. In his honor, posting his favorite artist,Bob Dylan – Nashville Skyline Rag (1969)… – @ginasmith888
  • Visionary. Thought Leader. Advocate of Change. Creator. #SteveJobs: in his honor,What a legacy Uleave us. THANK-U! #RIPstevejobs #innovation – @iglue
  • Rest In Peace – @webdoc
  • We've lost a visionary that I think every industry can learn from. Rest in Peace, Steve Jobs. – @carwoo
  • The world is immeasurably better because of Steve." – Apple… – @answersdotcom
  • A beautiful obit for #SteveJobs by – @lindastone
  • Different perspective on Jobs "he really is gone, much too young, and it is the world’s loss." – @joshuaw
  • story focusing on the icon's great influence on digital… – @zachrodgers
  • Steve Jobs Remembered: 10 of His Most Magical Moments [VIDEO]… – @marketingprofs
  • RIP, Steve. You've changed us all. RT @jennydeluxe: Graffiti outside the flagship simply reads "I love Steve." – @PRTips
  • Walter Isaacson's biography of Steve Jobs, out 11/21, is #93 on Amazon now: – @jeffjarvis
  • Steve Jobs Legacy Has Transformed The Lives of all Small Businesses – @ramonray & @smallbiztrends
  • Steve Jobs was a pioneer of passion who transformed the world through his vision, and taught us to believe in ourselves.Thank you #SteveJobs – @randizuckerberg
  • The Bay Area runs the world rest in peace Uncle Steve Jobs we will always follow our hearts! #SteveJobs – @SanQuinn
  • Black Shirt & Blue Jeans revolutionized the world each "i" at a time, Salute to the legend we knew as #SteveJobs his "I's" touched us all – @DrAwab
  • Wow. It's a mark of the man that @WhiteHouse has sent four tweets in tribute to #SteveJobs. It's like the modern day 21-gun salute. – @Stephen_Abott
  • Photo Credits:

    • Photo 1: Apple Website in Tribute on October 5, 2011
    • Photo 2: Apple – 1977
    • Photo 3: Associated Press: 1984
    • Photo 4: Ben Margot, AP – 1991
    • Photo 5: NeXT – 1988
    • Photo 6: Ben Margot – Associated Press 2003
    • Photo 7 – Renee Blodgett, Magic Sauce Photography
    • Photo 8: Very early days: Robert Foothorap
    • Photo 9: Sal Veder, Associated Press 1984
    • Photo 10: Diane Walker, Time eLife Pictures/Getty
    • Photo 11: Eric Risberg/AP: 1990
    • Photo 12: Richard Drew/AP: 1998
    • Photo 13: Ted Thai for Time/Time Life Pictures/Getty
    • Photo 14: Louie Psihoyos – Corbis
    • Photo 15: Louie Psihoyos – Corbis
    • Photo 16: Brand Ward – San Francisco Chronicle – Corbis
    • Photo 17: Douglas Kirkland – Corbis
    • Photo 18: Lou Dematteis/Reuters – 2003
    • Photo 19: Susan Ragan – AP – 2003
    • Photo 20: Marcio Jose Sanchez – AP – 2004
    • Photo 21: Paul Sakuma – AP – 2004
    • Photo 22: Paul Sakuma – AP – 2004
    • Photo 23: Paul Sakuma – AP – 2005
    • Photo 24: LA Times: 2006
    • Photo 25: Paul Sakuma – AP – 2007
    • Photo 26: Paul Sakuma – AP – 2007
    • Photo 27: Tony Avelar – AFR – Getty Images
    • Photo 28: Paul Sakuma – AP – 2008
    • Photo 29: Eric Risberg in 2008
    • Photo 30: Kim White/Corbis
    • Photo 31: Paul Sakuma/AP – 2010
    • Photo 32: Paul Sakuma/AP – 2010
    • Photo 33: David Paul Morris/Bloomberg – Getty Images
    • Photo 34: Renee Blodgett – Magic Sauce Photography (taken at D Conference)
    • Photo 35: Gizmodo site (images of people who have shared comments and condolences)
    • Photo 36: Paul Sakuma/AP – 2011 (Apple Worldwide Developers Conference)
    • Photo 37: Tim Gough Image

    Lastly from Apple: "Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” – Apple Inc.

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