Category “Magic Sauce No Tabs”

Why Blekko and Not Google!

Saturday, 9 October, 2010

Below, Blekko’s CTO Greg Lindahl tells us why Blekko and not Google and where their soon to be released service will be useful, in an interview I did with him at Techcrunch Disrupt in late September. Still in private beta, former Topix CEO Rich Skrenta is heading up this new venture. Create It, Wear It, Share It

Friday, 8 October, 2010

I had a chance to chat with founder Elena Silenok who was on the west coast recently from New York. Although their product is still in beta, I got a sneak peak of what’s coming and as a fan of fashion and great design, I love the concept. Clothia is an online destination for “everything fashion.”

On Clothia, you can create virtual closets, mix-n-match outfits, and share them with friends. You can also watch videos, read blogs, experiment with trends, as well as connect with stylists and fashion designers. Listen to what Elena says about the service and what’s coming. More when they launch.

The Lost Children of El Salvador

Friday, 8 October, 2010

@Dewittn talks about his life story on the 140 Conference stage this past week in Los Angeles. He grew up in Boston and had a traditional American ‘upbringing’ until a phone call one day changed his life.

One of El Salvador’s dissapeared children, he was separated from his birth family during the civil war. Now, he is working a documentary film about that story, which he hopes will help people better understand the events that took place during one of the bloodiest conflicts of the Cold War. Nelson/Roberto has just started working on a documentary film about his family and being one of the disappeared children of El Salvador.

@AdventureGirl: Passion Key For Your Business & Brand

Friday, 8 October, 2010

Listen to Linda Sherman talk to Stefanie Michels (@adventuregirl), who focuses on how important your passion is and living your passion to a sustainable brand and to living an authentic life. The below interview is taken outside the Music Box along Hollywood Boulevard at the 140 Conference this past week.

CandyMan Tells His Story at 140Conf

Thursday, 7 October, 2010

Street performer CandyMan addresses the 140 Conference crowd in Los Angeles this past week. He starts off with a poem he says he lives his life by, making ‘love’ his greatest weapon. Homeless not up until long ago, he talks about how he uses social media and engagement on and offline and when he performs ‘on the streets.’

REDF President Carla Javits Helps Thousands At Bottom Of Ladder Get Work

Wednesday, 6 October, 2010

At the Social Capital Markets SOCAP event at Fort Mason in San Fancisco this past week, Isabel Maxwell asks the President of REDF Carla Javits, to talk about their programs and what she does to make a difference.


Interview with Kevin Jones, Founder of SOCAP

Wednesday, 6 October, 2010

@SOCAP10 co-founder Kevin Jones talks to us about implementing capital in conflict zones such as Israel and the Middle East.


San Franola: Granola Done Right

Wednesday, 6 October, 2010

Hailing from San Francisco, San Franola founder Matt Teichmann, who was once a technology entrepreneur, is passionate about healthy eating and living. He created San Franola Co., which is a health-minded granola company specializing in products that are as good for the body as they are for the senses. I had a chance to taste some of their incredible granola (which btw, also has fabulous packaging) at an event recently.

Their granola almost looks like it has chocolate in it because it’s so dark, but its because its sugar-free granola is roasted. It boasts 9 grams of protein and 8 grams of fiber with minimal fat. Matt tells us more in the video below.

Peter Thiel: Build a Business So Big That Investors Will Invest Major Bucks

Tuesday, 5 October, 2010

Peter Theil of the Founders Fund, also founder of Paypal, addresses the Vatorsplash audience in late September on what it takes to be successful.

He talks about entrepreneurship, what they learned in his early days at Paypal, mistakes they made and how that helped shape the decisions he makes today. Peter encourages entrepreneurs to think big: don’t just build a feature or a solution that will have an incremental and small impact on an industry, but build something that will change the world.

He says, “create a business that is so valuable that investors are willing to invest not just a ‘little’, but a significant amount of capital.” In other words, a technology that is so disruptive that it will have an impact on how we live. This isn’t unlike the advice that Vinod Khosler gave on the Techcrunch Disrupt stage earlier the same week. Below is a two-part video that I shot of his keynote, close to 30 minutes in length for both segments.

Eventbrite’s Kevin Hartz: Be Unbound by the Heritage of the Past

Monday, 4 October, 2010

Eventbrite’s CEO Kevin Hartz talks about success, early days of Eventbrite and what investors look for from early start-up ideas and products. He was one of the keynotes at the September Vatorsplash event in San Francisco.

Kevin even gets specific by letting entrepreneurs know what Sequoia Capital looks for. Advice: they look for outsiders/the unknown, those with special insights into the future, those who want to ‘change the world,’ and those unbound by the heritage of the past.